ST. LOUIS, MO — The Golf Foundation of Missouri is proud to announce the appointment of Roger Ellis as its new Executive Director. Andrew Belsky, Executive Director Emeritus, will continue to contribute to GFM’s mission by transitioning to a new role on the board of directors. This leadership transition underscores the foundation's commitment to growth and continuity to nurture the next generation of Missouri golfers.
"Roger’s appointment as Executive Director is a significant milestone for The Golf Foundation of Missouri.” Board of Director President Alan Dombrowski expressed. “His blend of education and athletic leadership, public service, and enthusiasm for our mission makes him uniquely qualified to lead our foundation into a new generation for our state’s youth.”
Roger Ellis brings to GFM a wealth of education and athletic experience, coupled with a strong background in public service and community engagement. Serving as a college professor, Associate Dean, and Dean at Lindenwood University, his education experience will be invaluable in further developing GFM’s approach to youth golf education, as well as GFM’s academic scholarship program.
With his golf experience, Roger served a 14-year tenure as golf coach for both women’s and men’s teams at Lindenwood University. He further served as the President of the NAIA Men's Golf Coaches Association and was the NAIA Women's National Championship Tournament Director. Roger’s experience in athletics will help enable our foundation to further develop our youth golf camp, golf community engagement, and foundation advancement.
Speaking to Andrew Belsky’s transition, Alan continued, “We are especially grateful for Andrew’s commitment to GFM, his part in ushering our foundation forward, and for developing a golf camp that has impacted hundreds of Missouri youth over his tenure. We are proud to welcome Andrew to our Board of Directors so he may continue his impactful work in new ways.”
The Golf Foundation of Missouri is excited to welcome Roger and looks forward to the new heights the foundation will reach with his leadership.