Make an Impact

Kids From St. Louis City
Operating in downtown St. Louis, more than 70% of golf campers are African American and over 40% are female.
Free Lunches Served
A freshly-prepared and nutritional lunch is provided every day of golf camp at no cost to the camper.
Golf Club Sets Donated
Used and new golf clubs donated to GFM are given to exemplary kids who continue after camp to practice the game.
Golf Campers Participated
At no cost to the family, inner-city kids are introduced to the game of golf and learn it's many life lessons and values.
GFM by the Numbers

Our golf camp for city youth is made possible by passionate staff, excellent facilities, and quality equipment to ensure campers' experiences are positive, impactful, and true to the sport.
Golf Camp Operations

When school is out in the summer, kids loose easy access to a vital part of their daily routine, a hot lunch. Part of our mission is to provide every camper a nutritious meal each day of camp.
Serving Meals

Eligible high school graduates who have attended our camp are encouraged to apply for our college scholarship as part of our mission to support youth beyond our golf camp.
College Scholarship

Through your donation, you directly contribute to helping underprivileged youth and growing the game of golf in Missouri by funding our camp operations, our new scholarship program, and additional golf resources to young golfers. More than 90% of donations go directly to funding camp expenses and to growing the program to reach even more Missouri kids.